My name is Simona Parini and I was born in 1967 in Savona, on the Ligurian Riviera.
Since I was six years old I've been living in Albisola, a small city famous for its pottery craftsmanship, and as a consequence I grew up surrounded by artists, with crayons and brushes always at hand. That's why I can't imagine my life without drawing or painting.
I took a diploma from the High School of Arts of Savona and afterwards I attended a course of illustration in Milan.
When I was 21 I started working as a stage designer in various tourist resorts. It was quite enjoyable, even though a bit tiring and stressing. For six years I had the chance to work in very beautiful places and to make some interesting settings, but I don't think it's possible to carry on with that sort of life for a long time.
In 1994 I opened the "Simo Tattoo Art Studio", where my sphere of activity is mainly tattooing, but I also paint in oils and with spray-guns.
I don't really like to talk about and describe my works, I might say that my main aim is to arouse feelings in the viewer, even though when I paint I am only interested in expressing my particular state of mind of the moment.
I am fond of nature and of animals, I love travelling and sailing, eating and drinking well, living peacefully, without stress and without feeling the anxiety of carving out a career or getting famous at all costs …
I hope you liked my paintings and I hope they aroused emotions in you … if you'd like to get to know me better or to ask me anything, feel free to email me; if I won't email back straight away, it's only because I'm probably somewhere around the world …
So long,
Simona Parini
Tel. 0039019484266
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acrylic, canvas
80cm x 100cm
$ 700.00 |

acrylic, canvas
70cm x 80cm
$ 600.00 |